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A University of Louisiana-Lafayette graduate who sued her political science professor for sexual harassment last year has added UL’s interim athletic director to the suit.

In an amendment to the original lawsuit, she is now accusing Walker, an attorney, of legal malpractice. The suit states she met with university officials and Walker in a meeting the last week in September to discuss her complaints. She alleges that university officials then informed her that Walker acts as counsel for students that have legal matters.

The university through Walker provided untrue and inaccurate legal advice and deliberately misled her to believing she did not need a lawyer to further pursue her complaints against the professor in an effort to allow the one year period to run, states the suit. The next hearing is scheduled for April 2nd.

Kelly May filed suit in November against her professor, the university and the state alleging the professor sexually harassed her and fondled her during sessions. May named the university and state as parties because she claims that after being notified of his behavior, no actions were taken.

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